Monday, February 22, 2016

Indoor Nationals

This past week from 2/18/16-2/21/16 was Indoor Nationals.  Both tournaments Joad and Nationals where held at a new location this year.  The new locations for Joad and Nationals was Chula Vista at the Olympic Training Center but they also held Nationals this year at the old venue because of how many participants there was.  This is the longest tournament of the year stretching over two months because of all the locations that have to send in the scores to USAA.  So if your the first location to finish because because its a 3 day tournament in technically, then u have to wait the full time to know your actual standings.  You could be 1st the first week but by the emd you could be pushed down to even 20th place.  Thats mainly dependent on score how much you drop in ranking.  The JOAD tournament is only one day and is always on Friday, and Nationals is Saturday and Sunday.  Nationals is a full Indoor Fita which is out of 1200 maximum points.  This year was Nationals 47th year in a row.

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