Tuesday, December 1, 2015

1200 Round + PBs(personal bests)

Now the 1200 rounds.  Called 1200 rounds only because the max amount of points you can get is 1200.  Coincidence, I think not.  Most round names are made by the max number of points you can achieve.  But unlike all the outdoor tournaments shooting at long distances.  Every archer shoots the same distance no matter the age.  Also unlike the outdoor tournaments shot on 122cm targets, the indoor target faces are 40cm.  1200 rounds are shot with three arrows an end and ten ends.  that equals max points of 300 so you repeat that scoring process four times.  My pb (personal best) at this distance is 1107.  That's an average of 277 per 300 arrow scoring, and an average of 9.2 per arrow.  This is the score that got me third in indoor nationals for cub.  My pb for only one 300 round is 295.  That's only missing the bulls eye five times.  If I shoot like that every time, that guarantees me a spot on the USAA World Archery Team.  That's my dream, making the USAA World Teams and going to the Olympics.

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